I haven't always succeeded in life. Sometimes each time I get up something seems to want to push me down. Sometimes I laugh until tears roll down my cheeks. Sometimes I sit in the wind and just breathe. Sometimes I feel like crying, and sometimes like flying. It's all me, and sometimes...I write these things down, and they're here for you to see.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Hey, Guido, thanks for "following" me.  It made my day. ;-) And everyone else, as well.  It makes me smile when I see that list...I don't know if that's conceited or not, but there you go. ;-)  Thanks, all. ;-)

Oh, and Kaden...אתה נראה כמו גמל

...I think you can guess what that means. ;)

Ps. everyone else...that's Hebrew. ;)

Love, Me. :)


  1. HEEEEEEYYY! Everybody, she just said "you look like a camel" in Hebrew! Roooooooood! Oh yeah? Vous êtes rude et que vous regardez comme un kangourou! Take that! אתה כל כך גס לי
    تو خیلی بی ادب به من

  2. You know, Kaden, I do have control on what goes on here and what doesn't. ;-)

    Just so ya know. ;-)

    Love, Me.

    Ps. il fait froid

  3. Is THAT how you spell cold? Weird....

  4. Yep. Looks like "Freud", said "Fwah". ;-) hahaha.

    Love, Me.
