I haven't always succeeded in life. Sometimes each time I get up something seems to want to push me down. Sometimes I laugh until tears roll down my cheeks. Sometimes I sit in the wind and just breathe. Sometimes I feel like crying, and sometimes like flying. It's all me, and sometimes...I write these things down, and they're here for you to see.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Living the Lord's Will.

So, an update on my life.          Sort of.

Summer vacation is going well.  Except for, it's not actually summer yet.  It's still spring, and rainy.  I like the rain.  I like the sound and smell of it, and the fact that if it rains, I don't have to worry about watering the lawn that day. ;)  Sunday I ran in the rain with some good friends.  (Still in my church clothes.)  My hair frizzed after that, but it was still fun.  Next time, I'm using my ninja skills to dodge all the raindrops.  Hahahaha. :)

Speaking of which, it was my Best Friend's Mission Farewell on Sunday. :-/ He's entering the MTC this Wednesday...(tomorrow)...to prepare to serve the Lord and His people in Bogota, Colombia.  Isn't that neat??? :)  It sounds so exciting, to be in an exotic place for two years, devoting all your energy into serving and teaching others.  It makes me so happy that he's doing it.

Me and Keys. :)
 Happy enough to almost forget to be sad.  Heh, man.  I was doing so well, too.  I know it's the right thing, and am so thrilled that he's doing this.  It'll be a good learning experience for both of us, I know.  And we've had lots of time to play beforehand.  If I didn't have the confirmation that this is the Lord's Will, I would be having a harder time, I think.  Anyway.  Preparing myself for this, I promised myself that I would be strong, happy and supportive, so that "goodbye" wouldn't be so hard.  I did quite well, I think.  I didn't feel overly "sad and melloncally", which I took to be a good sign.  I got thinking to myself, "this is gonna be alright", and you know, it pretty much was.  I was good until the hug goodbye.  Then suddenly I realized what was happening, and I let go of all the strong and happy feelings in that one moment, and cried.  Out of sadness? I suppose. But I think it was more of fondly reflecting over one page in a book, and flipping to the next one. 

[I'm taking a moment and stepping away from my life's story here, and contemplating for a bit.  This doesn't particularly sound like a "blog post".  But, is there a certain Code of Conduct on how you're supposed to sound like on your blog?  Or is it just guidelines of what I've read in others? :j (shrug).  Back to the story, anyhow...]

There comes a moment in your life when you know that no matter how hard you may want it, or want to want something, you can't get it back.  And it's honestly the biggest relief to let it go.  The best way for this to happen is when your heart is full, and even though you may still be crying, you feel at peace because of the Spirit that is in your life, comforting you because that is His job.  I've looked back and observed myself and others change, and sometimes even get a glimpse of it in action.  As he walked back to his house, I realized at that moment that a page had been turned in both of our lives; he looked like an Elder, and I am a woman and Daughter of God with things to do in the meantime.  I'm doing fine, because I know that the future will be even more exit (short for exciting) and fun-filled, and (pause for 11:11) I have the knowledge and comfort that I am trying my best to live the Lord's Will, and no matter what everything will turn out all right. All Right.

Heh. Well, now that I've been telling you a bit of my life, I might as well tell the rest.  I'm having surgery Thursday.  Surprise!! (To you, not to me. I already know about it.) ;)  For at least 5 years I haven't been able to breathe through my nose properly, and never seem to fully recover from colds.  So, sometime on Thursday (don't know when yet, I'll find out tomorrow) I'll go and get my Turbinates trimmed and Tonsils/Adenoids removed.  Then the doctor said I'll hate him for about two weeks.  I sure hope not. :P  But just in case, I'm not starting Summer Lessons til midway through June.  It's kind of hard to do my job as a piano/voice teacher when I won't be able to talk and sing, don't you think? :P  I love my kids, though.  We had our End of Shule (School) recital last Friday; I'm so proud of them all.  We've all come a long way in a year.  :j  I'm excited for another one.

Oh, and.......I changed my major. Surprise #2!!!  Months of deliberating and careful prayers have brought me to feel confident in my decision that though it would be fun and rewarding, Music Ed is not for me.  This has been a hard decision.  But, I did teach for three years in High School, I'm still teaching now, and I don't have to have a degree for what I'm doing.  So what am I changing my major to?? Well, dear School of Family Life, please accept another student.  Family Life is the one I've chosen.  I actually don't know what I can do with this degree, I'm going to have to research it more.  But it's not difficult for me to happily admit that Someone Else is directing me right now.  If it turns out that this changes again, so be it.  But, honestly, I'm grateful for a change...Family life will take me about 2.5-3 years to do, I'm thinking, as opposed to the 4.5-5 years for Music Ed.

I can assure you that this past month/week has been interesting.  Only a little more than a month out of shule, and look where I am!!  Crazy!!  There have been ups, downs, and in-betweens, and I'm trying my best to keep things up.  There's a better view from there.  Schedule for the summer: get better, work/teach, smile, laugh, play, love, learn, paint my room/mural, grow, go to the Temple, etc.  As long as I'm living the way I'm supposed to, I'm okay with that. :)

I love you all, thanks for letting me ramble again. :) I'd apologize for getting so personal, but it is my blog. ;)Til the next time,

Love, Me.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

If I had a frying pan...




Which one?

All three?

Ps. I think I'm gonna have a major change here......
.....but that's what life's about, right??

That and....eating...tacos.  I like tacos.  I should go to bed.  Cause it's late. 
And Saturday.  (It's tomorrow today, this morning tonight; I just want to say that curls are all right.  And that I love Tangled.)  That's it.

"This is either brilliance, or madness."
"Amazing how often those two co-incide."

Jennenenenenenenenenenenenenenenna :)

Love, Me.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May the forth be with you...

Ha. Hahahaha. Lisp. Happy Star Wars day...

I haven't really been so much into blogging this year, I think.  Things have happened.  I just...haven't been blogging.

Is that a bad thing?  I don't think so....

But, just letting you know, I'm alive.  :) Very happily out of shule (school) for the next four months.  Still teaching piano and voice, and cleaning/spending time with my mom.  Enjoying the warmer weather.  Ahh, this is what Spring's about, eh?  It's good. :)

Have a good day,

Love, Me.