I haven't always succeeded in life. Sometimes each time I get up something seems to want to push me down. Sometimes I laugh until tears roll down my cheeks. Sometimes I sit in the wind and just breathe. Sometimes I feel like crying, and sometimes like flying. It's all me, and sometimes...I write these things down, and they're here for you to see.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Blessings in Disguise are for our Inner Eyes

I'm feeling a bit of an inward struggle.

This blog has documented a lot of my life for the past couple of years.  I like it, and blogging is great, but I kind of want it to grow up.  I almost want to cringe and delete posts of nothing, but then wonder what I'd be left with.  This is a part of my life, and that's kind of hard to delete.

I've come to a few self-realizations lately; about life, myself, and the interplay of it all.  Some of my learning has been this:

-Life events can be seen as great, terrific, horrific, and anywhere in between.  Doesn't matter what they are, what's hard for you can be easy for the one next to you.
-We have the choice to be happy.  Once you choose it, everything else becomes better, instantly.
-You cannot do all you are meant to if you are not who you are supposed to be.
-Even if you cannot see it, what's happening to you now, good or bad can be overcome and made better.  Things you never would have considered as blessings may just be hidden from our inner eyes.

I'm not sure if this is a final post or not.  If I want to create an entire other site for the next part of my life.  Not to say I have any announcements to make, but I can feel an inward shift, and I think it is time to leave this behind.  It's not a bad thing to do; seasons of our lives come and go, and if they've served their purpose, it is best to close them up and walk away, facing forward looking for the next adventure set.  So, if this is my final post, I'll leave you with this:

Remember who you are.  If you don't know who that is- go find them, and become them.  You have the power to change the world if you can find the power and ability to change yourself.

If this isn't my last post; I'll see you 'round the corner. :)  Til then,

Love, Me.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mind Symphonies

Ev'ry so often one sits down to contemplate,
And upon sitting writes down their thoughts.
Be they long, or short, grand or small,
Somehow they weave and find their way onto a page, 

And form a masterpiece of this person's mind symphony.

Love, Me.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wont to Want

I want it.

And it's frustrating because I don't want to want it, at least I don't want to think so, not so long as I'm not sure if I want you to want me to want it; because you want it. But as long as I want it, I want you to want it, and for us to want it so much that it works. I want that. But as much as I want that, I want to be able to want to move on so much that I stop wanting, and actually do it.

At the very least, I'd like it a lot.

Love, Me.


First, and last time using hashtags.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Everything and Nothing at Once

Every once in a while I realize I'm not doing anything productive anyway (no matter what I try and tell myself), so I get on here and blog.  This is one of those times.

As "unproductive" as I'm being, I'm still multitasking, though.  I'm keeping an eye on dinner on the stove so it doesn't scorch, wasted time on Facebook, kept my book on my lap as if I were really studying it in depth, and talked to friends and got things ready for Church tomorrow.  Quite amazing.

I didn't realize it, but I think I scheduled everything I could for this next coming weekend. Paper due on Thursday (not my doing), presentation on Friday (my doing), board meeting on Sunday (my doing), and homework in between.  I don't know how I do it all, but I definitely know that I don't always get everything done, but I try to give it my best.

Also, if you put <Filler> as your title, Blogger doesn't recognize it as a title and thinks you don't have one. Silly Blogger. It's just under disguise. Like me.

Favorite view in the world, Eiffel Tower; Optional.  Many thanks to my dear friend Bond who took me to a view and let me enjoy it on a hard night. Friends are great, guys. :)

Random picture of the Avengers with completely no tie to this post:
This is also my Google Chrome background, in case you wondered. Slight fixation? No comment. ;)

Wondered about the disguised comment up there? My friend and I have this inside joke that he's Bond and I'm Black Widow. Now the random Avengers picture has a tie to this post, and I have brought two loops to a close. Status: Awesome.  Also, remind me to tell you about the amazing life-saving plans Bond and I have concocted. They're still the highlight of my day.

So there are some times in your life where you know that even as much filler as you give.....
...you've still said a whole bunch of nothing.  But I've consumed your time in the process, hopefully giving you a smile. I consider this blog post a success.

Have a great day!!

Love, Me.