I haven't always succeeded in life. Sometimes each time I get up something seems to want to push me down. Sometimes I laugh until tears roll down my cheeks. Sometimes I sit in the wind and just breathe. Sometimes I feel like crying, and sometimes like flying. It's all me, and sometimes...I write these things down, and they're here for you to see.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Sometimes I don't know what to do.
Should I sit? Sing? Dance? Draw?
So I get on here, and blog.

Sometimes my insides just sit there and wait,
Just sit there and sit there,
Doing nothing. Barey moving, barely noticable.

Others a part of my soul is pushing at all parts of reality,
And can hardly contain a gut-wrenching scream to all parts of the universe.

Sometimes a part of me wants to sit in a hammock,
In my own little corner of the world,
And sit there and weep and breathe and cry.

Occasionally I'll get anxious, and restless,
And my fingers will play long, fast scales up and down the keyboard.
So long and hard it makes my arms ache.

Sometimes I stay up late into the night,
Because I can't sleep, can't dream.
Can't dream. For all the sweetness it brings, waking hurts.

Once I sat out with a friend, watching a movies under the stars.
I sat for long periods of time watching the sky,
And the moon, and the stars. Forgoing the movie. Just observing.

Sometimes I just want to talk.
Just talk. Remember. Nothing else.
Just, talk.

Of course, just as often I'd rather listen.
Hear others express themselves.
Because it's nice to be heard.

Sometimes I wonder, how can someone be so torn, so confused?
Content, and filled with longing at the same time?
Wonder, and yet know the reason why the whole time?

One day I'll know. I'll be fine.
Til then, I'll keep walking down this long, dusty road.
Longing, Listening, Loving. Learning.

Love, Me.

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