I haven't always succeeded in life. Sometimes each time I get up something seems to want to push me down. Sometimes I laugh until tears roll down my cheeks. Sometimes I sit in the wind and just breathe. Sometimes I feel like crying, and sometimes like flying. It's all me, and sometimes...I write these things down, and they're here for you to see.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I typed, and a star was born...*poof*...

...ever wonder what a star being born sounds like?  Now you know.

You know...it's the first day of July.  My first post on here had several drafts, party because I would start in one direction and get sidetracked and end up just randomly typing.  Most often I'd end up talking about How to Train Your Dragon, my favorite movie, of which I saw today for the fourth time, second this week.  Of course, compared to some of my friends that have seen it eight times...ahhh... ;)  Oh well.  Point in being, I just wanted to blog right now.  Not about anything in particular, but just...blog.  I don't know.  Maybe it'll be about my little sister that walked by just now.  Maybe it'll be about this piece of music sitting next to me that I'm going to learn soon.  Maybe it'll be about the pineapple that's sitting on the counter, waiting to go to my visiting teaching sister.  Who knows??

Of all the curiousity I have in my body, none of it adiquately measures up to the amount of impatience I also hold.  Not that I'm an impatient person, but anticipation is probably one of my most enjoyed and most detested feelings.  You anticipate the food you smell=Good.  You anticipate the movie you love=Good.  You anticipate your alarm clock going off in the morning=....ehh. Good or bad, depending on what you're facing that day.  Things like that.  53 times out of 56 I wake up a few minutes before my alarm goes off perfectly awake and alert, but as soon as it beeps at me, I'm ready to go back to sleep.  I suppose I should learn and just get out of bed before it goes off so I don't stay there longer.  But I'm not 18 yet, so I'll blame it on being a minor. :-P

Ever wonder how people come up with famous phrases/quotes that you can apply to your life? I'll demonstrate.
Person 1: Hey, you- this here is a potato.  I want you to give me some sort of knowledge that I'll remember whenever I see a potato.  Preferrably an Idaho one.
Person 2: Well, you see, potatos are like husking corn.  Sometimes you get a banana, sometimes you get a shoe.  If you always remember that, your watermelons will always be sweet, and your days will be merry and bright.  That's about it.
Person 1: BRILLIANT!!! You deserve a gold star for that!! I would now like to dedicate this life-changing song to you: You are amazing, you are cool, I hope you don't care that my song doesn't rhyme or have any particular meter to it.
The End.
...and you see? An amazing phrase is born.  The world is a better place, all because someone frantically put words together that they somehow thought would benefit another person, and look, it did!  How about that...I'll bet "Person 2" didn't know they had it in them...

...course, I was in control of that entire conversation.  But you didn't need to know that.  But now you do.  Well, make the best of that information, eh? :)

BTW...I just husked some corn.  That was the inspiration behind all that.

Okay, I'm thoroughly bored and/or done.  (This is an example of how some of my thought processes go. Maybe you understand some things now...) ;-) It's time to eat soon.  Talk to you all later, eh?

Love, Me.


  1. Yes, Yes and uh... yes. I love you so very deeply mucho grande!!!!

  2. Thanks, Twin. :) You know...I published this one, and looked at the time: 5:59, and thought, ohhhh boy this one's gonna drive me crazy. I thought about "editing" it and publishing it at exactly 6:00, but decided it wouldn't publish right at 6 like I wanted, and would probably do it at 6:01 just to annoy me. So...yeah. ;)
    Love, Me.

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA...breath...AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa Jenna you crack. me. up. Haha I really can't express how much I enjoyed reading this. It made my day 10 billion times better1 :) I loved the famous quote, and that you just pulled 53 out of 56 out the air (as far as I know). It just made me and happy and made me laugh. thank you very much so :)

  4. :) I'll let you in on a secret. My entire direction or point to that blog was to make people laugh and see how many would push the "funny" reaction button. ;) hahaha. Nerd, yes, I know. Who else would I be? :-P
    Love, Me.
